Truthspeaker02. “@truthspeaker02 Oh sheesh. Truthspeaker02

“@truthspeaker02 Oh sheeshTruthspeaker02  While many of the Blood call their Voice "Truthspeaker," few understand how much power they truly hold

Replying to @milesawei_ and @[email protected]. “The Colorist Page ”. @lmp3rfect. Quote Tweet. Replying to @ayo_meechie. For this man to be chosen advocates for Black gay men is quite scary and definitely push harmful narrative of whiteness being the pinnacle of beauty in the gay [email protected] · 12h. @ttgotit and @princecharmingp have definitely stated some alarming things below but I guess they found their light skin kings lol”At times I enjoy going on those social media pages that glorify black gay love/couples. RT @Soleprince22: we’ve been seeing lately how many of you truly lack comprehension and awareness. All I see is an account that turning a blind eye to it. these are the gays that have struggled with their identity specifically expressing that they wish they were yt and having self hatred. I’m literally having seks dreams of dark skinned men“Ay’all really plotting huh 😂”“@truthspeaker02 @eyez_depth @JasonVarioXXX feel so bad for you. You’ll always have the gorls who lightweight agree with Bob in the tizzy & I love that 😂😂. These are the Black gays that claim there are for us still participate in the same bs as the rest. Quote Tweet. truthspeaker (@truthspeaker02) | TikTok TikTok Upload For You Following LIVE Log in to follow creators, like videos, and view comments. If we only we lived in a world where all Black gays loved ALL shades of Black men and it was just about the content of their character. I'm blocking everyone who liked this💯. …”“The Colorist Page ” on Twitter: "Tonight " / Twitter. Here are some more articles I have read in the past for y’all to check out. 12:46 AM · Jul 12, 2023. ·. “Tonight 🤭”“AI didn’t notice 😂😂😂”“So I spoke to a celebrity on the phone last Monday and it made my week. Truth be told, you both could be in [email protected]. “Now I know yall see colorist men but have y’all seen colorist [email protected]. Vocal Victoria @ChimGAT. Jul 10. . Also here some questionable tweets from his [email protected]. Because many of the black men calling these black drag queens “🦝” or “self hating” for simply dating/marying white would litterally block these people on Jack’d and or Grindr and tell then they’re to “fem” or not “into the drag queens” 😒 And…”“😂😂😂😂 I wish I could be this delusional sometimes”@truthspeaker02 This thread will cover desirability politics overall but highlight those who are in specific categories such as those who are into kinks, femme presenting queer folk, gaymers, anime watchers,etc. Bc no one is checking for you potna. I think a lot of blk ppl in a particular tax bracket or with assumed possibility to be in said tax bracket tend to date yt bc the perception is they. and @Jetson_World. “The Colorist Page ” @truthspeaker02. And that's part of the [email protected]. So if you know then why perpetuate something that you constantly dealt with ??? GIF. “@truthspeaker02 Oh sheesh. @theefag /. You know them as the @truthspeaker02 aka the colorist page. 💪🏾💪🏾 ️. @truthspeaker02. your just making me more money TBH. 😭 😭 😭 😭. 1:20 AM · Jul 14, 2023. . And then refers to them as the n-word, like huh ? 9:06 PM · Jan 24, 2023 from Baltimore, MD. @saintnickross and @playboiiblake Not only they changed their complexion but they both only date yt men ( but the call is them the n-word). In every way. How am I not surprised… however there is really need for a conversation to be had about this (no im not talking about [email protected]. Likes“Now why you say all of this and block me 😂😭”@truthspeaker02. Replying to @truthspeaker02. A Truthspeaker or Soe'feia is a so'jhin who serves Seanchan royalty by telling them the absolute truth of a situation as they see it, no matter how painful or humiliating it might be. @travis_ironsx. they may not say but they DONT like Black men, I would even say poc gays too 😗 : @sikeromeoHere is more information being said about. When you log in to whotwi, you should be able to further be seen past the tweet!A Truthspeaker or Soe'feia is a so'jhin who serves Seanchan royalty by telling them the absolute truth of a situation as they see it, no matter how painful or humiliating it might. One even called their man “massa””if my page was full of “yt latinos” why did your screen recording of my likes only last 3 seconds and in said video you edited out a bunch of the black people on my account to push an agenda. From what being told not to wear, social conditioning of what they should look like, to just overall oppression. I just want to talk 🤧" / Twitter. Quote Tweet. I don’t know why you are so angry and not only that , but going out your way to hurt people . that doesn’t make them less racist. Play truthspeaker and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile. Romulus Rock @MyNameIsNotTomy. 4:29 AM · May 2, 2023. 4:51 PM · Jul 11, [email protected]. Did you read the part when I said “origin of the page” honey. Well we knew [email protected]. The second is his ex and the other is his current. Though like them all these are his statements. You’re still watching ? Quote Tweet. GIF. These three slaves are notoriously known for downing other Black men while simping over yt men… scary right ? 0:[email protected][email protected] Responses To Black Gay Men Minding Their Business (A THREAD): — Imagine if all the homophobes dedicated their time/energy towards harassing predators, abusers, and assailants!The colorist page is also [email protected]. Quote [email protected] Then @Karamo. @lmperf3ct. I dont have to know you personally to notice a pattern with you. . now I included him in because this man definitely represents the Black gay who likes to call out yt gays on racism etc but choose to be in majority white spaces, have only white partners, and just act like he’s doing something revolutionary. not out पाकिस्तान बहुत जल्द भारत को कुचल देगा और खालिस्तान बना देगा। भारत को कुत्ते जैसा गुलाम बना देंगे“@DMAHDNES @cowbboyyy @JwildsXXX @imafuckinpig @AlaricAlgos @johnny_cxxx @MaliceOfNy @masterbatez420 @Jaiography @Mr_Nonautomatic @SinhIV @theefag @saddboi101 @jaxxxsonbliss @twunkhut @MarsValentinXXX @sikeromeo @joshszn @MalikHaelstrom Likes these are y’all faves lol… and they dont. ,the reason why I believe he is, is that along with his tweets, his personal choices in dating supported those colorist claims. U are literally watering down the term and making people associating colorism with just dating preferences. “@truthspeaker02 @redactedobscure When you can not be pick and choosey with your friends and hold them accountable for her derogatory, racist and colorist remarks then there would be validity to getting under skin. Just because you do all of those things doesn’t make you any less of someone who participate in questionable behavior. I try to be the nicest and kindest person to people. could have really broken me down but Im glad Im secure in who I am and what I believe in. Retweet. “Did you not say something about light slin men getting all this love but not those who darker for you to then have them predominantly all up and down your page and being thirsty in the comments ??”@truthspeaker02. 10:48 PM · Jul 9, 2023. Since those owned by the Blood are so'jhin they can be punished, but a. 7:44 PM · Jul 8, 2023. What ? When I have I ever deflected ? My original argument towards you was that you contradicting yourself and then I said you contributed to colorism by doing so. Replying to @truthspeaker02 and @jesuiscinque. The threads that have been going on between pages like @truthspeaker02 / even spaces aren’t rocket science, and if you don’t understand a word you can easily google it or use context clauses. they all wanna see lol what you talking about. very sad ! Sending you love ️ I honestly didn’t know that I am white ! 😐. We have @angryblkhoemo / @dothehomo speaking interracial relations but in the same breath bottoming for a yt man…”@truthspeaker02 Hey, this is a small thread on how I learned about what colorism was and how I continued to enhance my knowledge on the topic in my younger years 😘 4:51 PM · Jul 11, [email protected] bro i just wanna say thanks for the tweet i just looked at my onlyfans and its going crazy lol thanks for the blessings. He literally just did a video with yt bottom so his opinion is biased lol”@truthspeaker02. Your opinion doesn’t matter to me though and you literally said that but then proceeded to say “Yet my friend isn't an OF creator, yet you're trying to call him out on your page. Travis Irons. Bonded for life with that one. ” This would mean YOU think Im ONLY doing what I originally started. Jul 22. @truthspeaker02. I probably rejected you,and…”@truthspeaker02. “@gawdsunnn @niaws_t @fieldofhoney @antzinyopants Part 2 of the wolf in sheeps clothing. Replying to @truthspeaker02. “The Colorist Page ”[email protected] Jan 24 Then @Karamo. whotwi unregistered user. I want to know lol i just hope and pray it’s not a yt that’s been hurt by. Travis Irons. . I know one mf thing you ain’t never gon see me issue out disclaimer… if you see me posted with a non black man and ppl saying we go togetherI definitely think colorism is an issue but if someone doesn’t wanna fuck me cause im darker skin , I genuinely don’t think it’s important, as long as they aren’t deny me jobs or access to the same spaces as anyone else. Bad Boi [email protected]. Jul 10. No shade, Im so glad I have strong mental because the amount of threats, insults on my looks (even though Im faceless lol ) , people calling me a maniac for caring about colorism etc. Honestly had no attraction to dark skinned men until this year. Likes are not an accurate depiction of what people are into. 1. None of the nonsense y’all think about them is true. 2. It’s funny how many guys are in my DMs then scream they don’t like white guys on here. Jun 20. Alternative queer people have faced hardship throughout time. @truthspeaker02 It looks like the reason why some people prefer light skin is because of the contrast during intercourse. Who is a musican and has scary facisnation of yt young boys. Back to the overall theme. ·. and. this is all hateful. These are grown at the end of the day @SinhIV. ”@truthspeaker02. A lot of these comments from white & Black ppl are giving - loser mentality. It actually does and also just because your hiv pos doesn’t mean you’re at the bottom of the totem pole ( terrible mindset to have). And if you listen to their video audo (which Im not posting) you will hear marco calling him the n-word while penetrating him. @himbull_ @ReggieVinetree. He literally goes after predominantly yt men ie: photos 1. A truly beautiful human being. Replying to . @xorlaliplange. @_sn00py. Girl if you dont go chase after those yt latinos who dont want you 🙄@truthspeaker02 These biases here are very blatant with alt gays. And I just cannot stop thinking about them. ALT. Quote Tweet. Which ya know takes away your credibility. Y’all are really going to end up in those trees. The fact that some of you think topping a yt men is a form of “reparations” is really asinine to me… slavery really did win. Only the most recent 600 tweets have been displayed. And whoever agree with this ain't 💩 [email protected]. Quote Tweet. But I’m always taken back by the lack of representation n terms of seeing 2 dark skin/2 light skin guys together. [email protected] Jan 24 Then @Karamo. “Why would we give a fuck what Nico got to say. RT @OtakuTrickster: Thanks, if you made it this far! This is a group project, so if there is any educational or resources that can be shared please do. To me this is peak unconscious anti Blackness. GIF. It’s his header picture for me . Ms. The following media includes potentially sensitive content. Not the yt guy clocking yall 🤭. 7:11 PM · Jun 2, 2023. Can you @ them please…. Below are screen grabs of articles of alt queer people experiences in predominantly yt spaces. ”“So we got the freakyboiz aka the fetish for lightskinboiz. now I included him in because this man definitely represents the Black gay who likes to call out yt gays on racism etc but choose to be in majority white spaces, have only white partners, and just act like he’s doing something revolutionary. Wow that’s insulting 😭. Its like scary how much he talks about them. Maybe @truthspeaker02 can help me understand. More raceplay indulgers are . Replying to @truthspeaker02 there are real issues with colorism you could be tackling but you’re focus on dating and sexual partners, you may be unattractive and don’t get the attention you want and so u are projecting your anger…I understand that, but my point was if we are gonna talk about colorism…Replying to @truthspeaker02. Nobody was darker than a paper bag on your page until I said something [email protected]. They are absolutely the most disrespectful and hateful out the [email protected]. Any worry about existing. “@FunsizePHLJawn @truthspeaker02 Thank you, for pointing this out. Log in Popular topics Comedy Gaming. And send good vibes out so they'll come back. Change settings. Jun 2. Y’all need to stay away from those Black gays who are saying “who cares” “it’s just a preference ” “or colorism is tired” They are anti Black and they contribute to white supremacy!! 0:04. The following media includes potentially sensitive content. I would like to have ppl send this & other threads like this to ppl who be asking @truthspeaker02 all dem questions about shit that can be Googled! 16 Jul 2023 01:47:52“Then we have Ms. Plus, he said he spoke with you on the phone - you very. Similar to their light skin sistern , @princedion_ is also a performative girl who predominantly likes and dates yt men but complains about yt people….